Birth Control Methods: How to Find the Best Option?

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Pregnancy is the most magical and blissful period of a woman’s life. However, the decision of when to start a family is deeply personal. Many couples aren’t ready to start a family in their 20s, whereas others don’t think of it even in their 30s. That is because raising a child is physically and emotionally demanding and, of course, expensive. 

Fifteen percent of Americans aged between 18 and 40 who are not yet parents say they want to be someday. Are you also among them? If you are not yet ready to start a family but intend to do so in the future, birth control methods are worth exploring. These options range from condoms and pills to IUDs and Depo-Provera shots. Of course, the overwhelming number of options makes choosing one difficult. 

But worry not, for we’ve got you covered. This guide discusses some important factors that you must consider when deciding on a birth control method. 

#1 Family Planning Goals

Your family planning goals matter a lot when it comes to choosing a contraceptive. If you intend to start a family soon, say a year or so, you would want an option that you can easily stop when you decide to conceive. In that case, opt for birth control pills. 

Go for combination pills. These pills contain both progestin and estrogen that prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs, thereby lowering the chance of pregnancy. But, if you’re concerned about the side effects of estrogen, opt for progestin-only pills. These pills are safe for women who are overweight, smoke, or have high blood pressure.  

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However, if your goal is to delay pregnancy until you’re financially stable, say eight to ten years, long-term options like an intrauterine device are best. These implantable devices are safe, long-lasting, and easily reversible contraceptives. 

Go for hormonal IUDs. These prevent pregnancy by releasing a small amount of the hormone progestin, intercepting ovulation. Non-hormonal or copper IUDs, such as Paragard, are also available. However, we advise you against them. 

Lawsuits are being filed against the manufacturers of Paragard IUDs. These IUDs have been linked to a number of injuries and complications. Some potential injuries from Paragard, TorHoerman Law informs, include internal bleeding, damage to the uterus and uterine cavity, perforation of the uterus lining and the cervix, and ectopic pregnancy. 

Women across the U.S. are suing IUD manufacturers—Teva Pharmaceuticals and Cooper Surgical—by filing the Paragard lawsuit. They claim that the companies failed to warn them of the potential risks associated with their devices. Thus, avoid going for Paragard IUDs. Instead, choose hormonal options to be on the safe side. 

#2 Ease and Timing of Use

Considering the ease and timing of use is crucial when selecting a birth control method. 

Some methods require daily administration, like birth control pills, which women with a daily consistent schedule will find convenient. Others, such as IUDs, offer hassle-free contraception for several years once inserted. These are ideal for women who prefer a “set-it-and-forget-it” option or those with busy schedules. 

In addition, you must take into account the timing of use. Methods like diaphragms or condoms require a timely application before intercourse. But hormonal methods like pills must be taken at the same time each day or week to maintain effectiveness. 

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Understanding your schedule will help you choose a method that aligns with your routine while ensuring optimal contraceptive effectiveness.

#3 Side Effects and Safety

Before you pick any birth control option, make sure to evaluate its side effects to ensure you can tolerate them. 

Depo-Provera shots, for instance, might result in irregular menstrual periods, headaches, depression, acne, and excessive growth of body and facial hair. Your inability to conceive after being on the shot can last for up to 12 months. When it comes to rings, headaches, and breast tenderness are the most commonly reported side effects. 

If you choose birth control patches, you might experience skin irritation, breast tenderness, headaches, and nausea. 

One in ten people who get IUDs get ovarian cysts in the first year after the implantation. It might also raise your odds of PID or pelvic inflammatory disease—the infection of the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes. Condoms, however, don’t have side effects unless you’re allergic to latex. 

#4 Cost

Cost and accessibility are practical factors that you must keep in mind before opting for a birth control method. 

Condoms are the most cost-effective contraceptives you will find on the market. They cost as little as $2 and are readily available. Go for them if you can’t afford to spend too much on birth control. 

If you have insurance coverage, you might get Depo-Provera shots for free or low prices. Otherwise, expect to pay $150 every three months plus the cost of the doctor’s visit. 

Implantable contraceptives like IUDs have a higher up-front cost. These usually cost around $800. But the plus point is that you won’t have to pay for them each month. You may get an IUD for free or at a slightly lower price if you have health insurance. 

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In conclusion, finding the best birth control option is no easy feat. But if you consider these factors, you will be able to choose the right contraceptive that fits your needs. 

Whether you choose condoms, IUDs, or birth control pills, make sure to factor in accessibility. You won’t benefit much if your preferred option isn’t readily available. If you’re confused, consult your healthcare provider. They will help you choose the best option that aligns with your lifestyle. 


About the author

James is a talented tattoo artist with a passion for creating unique and personalized designs. With a focus on attention to detail and a deep commitment to his craft, he strives to create tattoos that capture his clients' individuality and self-expression.